
St. Andrew Kim Scholarship

已發佈 : Jun-26-2024

St. Andrew Kim Scholarship Sponsored by Korean Catholic Church Credit Union (KCCCU)

We are pleased to announce this annual scholarship sponsored by KCCCU. The scholarship is only available to the parishioners of St. Andrew Kim Parish in Toronto, Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Toronto, St. Peter Yu Parish in Hamilton, St. Paul Chung Parish in Kitchener and St. Andrew Kim Parish in London.

The scholarship committee will accept applications until Sunday August 25th, 2024, hold the scholarship celebration luncheon on Saturday October 12th, 2024 at St. Andrew Kim Parish in Toronto and the scholarship will be awarded during Mass at your home parish (i.e. 10 am mass in St. Andrew Kim Parish) on Sunday October 13th, 2024. The scholarship must be accepted in person and not by a third party and it cannot be mailed to you.

Your application does not guarantee acceptance and the recipients of the scholarship will be carefully selected by the Scholarship Committee. The scholarship will be awarded in the following categories.

  1. Seminarian Recognition Award-Separate Application will be emailed to Seminarians.
  2. High School Award of Excellence.
  3. Post-Secondary School Award of Excellence.

Please click here to obtain more detailed information and apply for the scholarship.