St. Andrew Kim's Parish

Silent Ignatian Retreat for Women - Lent as a Pilgimage of Hope

Friday, March 07, 2025 07:30 PM à Sunday, March 09, 2025 01:30 PM   |   Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre Pickering
Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre Pickering

Jesus on Cross In Chapel
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This is a Jubilee Year, when the members of the Church receive an outpouring of special graces from the goodness of our Father in heaven. During this Lenten retreat, you will be invited to enter the desert in order to receive the waters of life. Drawing from the writings of Pope Francis and the Canadian Martyrs, we will explore wisdom sources to nourish our journey as pilgrims of hope. Facilitated by Fr. John O'Brien, SJ.

This silent weekend retreat begins on Friday evening and runs to Sunday with lunch. The suggested offering is $260 per person which includes two night's accommodation with meals, spiritual direction and retreat program.

CONTACT: Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre
REGISTER: Via email at, online at or call 905-839-2864